Structural Engineering Calculation Software
Foundation Analysis & Design Modules
Designing the future
Eight powerful foundation design modules
ENERCALC offers a comprehensive set of foundation design modules that enable engineers to tackle a variety of substructure challenges with confidence.
- The General Footing and General Footing by FEM modules provide versatile solutions for standard and advanced finite element analysis of footings under various loading conditions.
- The Wall Footing and Combined Footing modules handle continuous and shared footings, ensuring effective load distribution for structural stability.
- The Beam on Elastic Foundation module facilitates the design of beams interacting with soil or flexible foundations, offering special support conditions to represent idealized, compression-only, continuous elastic supports.
- For specialized needs, the Pole Footing module offers reliable analysis and design of posts and poles embedded in concrete footings, while the Pile Group Analysis module can calculate the distribution of concentrated loads from a pile cap to a group of piles.
- Additionally, the Point Load on Slab module assists in evaluating the capacity of unreinforced concrete slabs to support isolated concentrated loads.
These modules are designed to produce accurate, code-compliant results for any foundation project.

General Footing
Analyzes & designs individual spread footings for uniaxial or true biaxial moment.

General Footing by FEM
Analyzes & designs individual footings of different configurations using a FEM.

Wall Footing
Analyzes & designs individual wall footings.

Combined Footing
Analyzes & designs combined footings subject to loads from two columns.
Beam on Elastic Foundation
Analyzes & designs individual soil-supported reinforced concrete beams.
Pole Footing
Analyzes a pole footing embedded in soil
Pile Group Analysis
Analyzes a pile group for the applied loads & returns the maximum & minimum pile forces.
Point Load on Slab
Evaluates an unreinforced, soil-supported slab subject to rectangular patch loads. Incorporates user-specified factor of safety.