Structural Engineering Calculation Software | Since 1982


Try ENERCALC for real – at no cost

You can have a better life. Seriously. 

After over 40 years, we’ve learned that our software isn’t simply about producing engineering designs. It’s about improving the lives of practicing engineers.

Almost everyone has occasional days where they have to grind it out and end up having dinner alone or missing a kid’s game / recital.

However, we don’t want that to describe the majority of our days.

Our software can help simplify your life by saving time in your everyday analysis and design work. If that allows you to be there for your kid at a few more events or share a few more meals with the ones you care for, we’ll be happy about that.

The world needs more engineers, which starts by keeping the ones we already have. Like you.

Jacques Pierini, PE
PE, Inc. Little Rock, AR
ENERCALC user for over 25 years

Analysis / Design


Beams, Columns, Foundations, Walls, Earth Retention & more

Engineering Experience


Our team of PEs and SEs bring years of experience to our software.

Avg monthly use (2024)


Helping thousands of engineers every day

Want a full, registered-to-you copy of ENERCALC for 30 days? Fill out the form below.

We feel that the best way to evaluate our software is to actually use it. The real thing you can do real work with, not a limited demo.

You’re welcome to review our documentation and FAQ pages as well.

¡Hablamos español! Nuestro equipo bilingüe está a su disposición para atenderle en español.

Concerned about this decision to try ENERCALC?


Consider this:


As of December 2024, ENERCALC has…
      • 373 firms who have been active subscribers for 10,000 days or more (since at least July 1997)
      • 1815 firms who have been active subscribers for 5,000 days or more (since at least Mar 2011)
      • NINE of the top 10 firms in the ENR 2024 Top 500 Design Firms are active ENERCALC users.
        Those 9 firms have been ENERCALC customers for an average of 31 years.  
What has to be true about a company and its software for that to happen?
This is the real deal, with your name on the reports, same as our paid software.

Your name, company and contact information are needed here because we’ll be setting you up with a registered-to-you copy of ENERCALC to use at no cost for 30 days.

Your company name is embedded in the license code we’ll send you – and it will show up on printed design documentation / reports printed from ENERCALC. You wouldn’t want “My Engineering Firm” to appear there when you submit those documents.

If you’re hesitant to give someone all your contact info for fear that we’ll call and email for the rest of your life. NOPE. THAT’S NOT US.

We won’t pester you. We don’t have salespeople. Never have.

If you unsubscribe from our emails, we’ll honor that request.

Confirm your Email, please. (Typos happen)

Outside the US? Please email for trial details.