Structural Engineering Calculation Software | Since 1982


Structural Engineering Calculation Software

ASCE 7-22 Seismic Demands on
Non-Structural Components

Module Summary

Additional ASCE 7-22 details are on our design standards / governing codes page.


  • Seismic Demands on Nonstructural Components per ASCE 7-22
  • Collects building-specific data at the top of the screen
  • Allows option to use formulas that take advantage of the building Fundamental Period, Ta, if known
  • Multi-row list collects data for up to 15 components per calculation
  • Supports the ability to add multiple instances of the calculation module within a single project file, as needed
    ASCE 7-22 seismic demands of non-structural components multiple instances of 

Working view of the ASCE 7-22 Seismic Demands on Non-Structural Components

ASCE 7-22 seismic demands on non-structural components