Four decades of structural and civil engineering calculation software
Our story
We’re focused on improving the lives of practicing structural & civil engineers.
ENERCALC has been helping structural and civil engineers become more productive since 1982 – over 42 years.
We are and always have been focused on making it as simple as possible to quickly analyze and design components so you can meet your deadlines, keep your clients happy, and still get home for dinner on time.

Analysis / Design
Beams, Columns, Foundations, Walls, Earth Retention & more
Engineering Experience
Our team of PEs and SEs bring years of experience to our software.
Avg monthly use (2024)
Helping thousands of engineers every day
Our Mission:
Be the best provider of easy-to-use, high-quality engineering software.
For over four decades, ENERCALC has been focused on simplifying the incredibly complex component-level analysis and design process for structural and civil engineers.
We’ll continue to focus on that important work, and when possible – we’ll do more.
Being the best provider of engineering software means more than providing easy to use, high quality software.
It means being a great employer to our 100% remote team and their families.
It means thinking deeply about the impact changes have on ENERCALC customers – before our decisions are made.
It means building a great business. One that’s resilient, remains relevant to our customers and their work, and grows great leaders to assure our legacy continues.
We are missionaries rather than mercenaries (hat tip to John Doerr).
Our Core Values
The filters through which we make decisions, and how we treat one another and our customers.
Simple isn’t easy. Still, we strive to make things easier, more obvious, and with less “friction”.
Rather than make software that’s easier to support, strive to make software so the user doesn’t require support. Better, simpler, software.
All large successful systems were built from smaller, simpler systems that worked. – Gall’s Law
The arc of technology is toward simplicity. – Sam Altman
Simplicity is complexity resolved. – Sculptor Constantin Brancusi
We are transparent and accountable
We’re a small company.
We owe each other the truth, whether communicating with each other, or with our clients.
Clients will judge us, but they’ll know the truth. We own up to our mistakes and do our best to make it right after discovering them.
We trust our team members. Everyone has access to the resources they need, without having to ask. Likewise, everyone has the autonomy to make business and product decisions in their area per their expertise and experience. Our structural engineering and software development teams often meet to discuss and make decisions of broad scope.
As leaders, we recognize our obligation to the entire team to protect and preserve our culture and our team’s collective trust in one another. Likewise, our team recognizes that they have an ownership stake in preserving our culture.
We take care of each other
We must always think “How can ENERCALC serve the customer?” and “How is this serving the customer?” rather than “How is this serving ENERCALC?”
How we show up in public, what we “force” our customers to do, how we communicate with our customers, how we take part in our communities, how we react to their feedback (even if they are not having their best day), these things tell our customers that we’re here to care for them. If we take good care of our customers the way we would take care of ourselves, they will stick around. Everything else falls into place at that point.
We take care of each other too. We’re a small, remote-only team. After a couple of decades of operating remotely (once the company grew past one household), we know extra care is essential when communicating with each other. We make sure everyone who might be affected is aware when we will be out so they can be prepared for our absence.
Focus on improvement
Keep learning. Keep improving. Keep reducing friction. Keep simplifying. Where possible, keep reducing the risks we and our customers face.
Our Team
ENERCALC, LLC is headquartered in Missoula, Montana.
- We have staff in four countries, including all four mainland US time zones.
- Our structural engineering team has 6 to 25+ years of US-based design experience.
- ¡Hablamos español! Nuestro equipo bilingüe está a su disposición para atenderle en español.
Chris Conrad, PE
Director of Engineering
Seth Roswurm, PE, SE
Senior Software Developer
Derek Sereno, SE
Product Engineer
Mack Eltarhoni, PE, SE
Senior Structural Engineer
Chelsea Darnelle-Jeong, PE
Product Engineer
Jennifer Eldridge
Business Office Manager
Joe Hall
Senior Software Developer
Jeff Slarve
Senior Software Developer
Luiz Lopes
Senior Devops Developer
Robert Artigas
Senior Software Developer
Sarah Vita
Marketing Coord / Exec Asst
Sam Starke
Software Developer
Josh Stuve
Senior Software Developer
Gabriel Rea
Software Developer
Sarkis Peha
Senior Software Developer
Leo Chudakov
Senior Software Developer
Max Strebkov
Senior Software Developer
Francisco Carabez
Senior Software Developer
Michael Myers
Senior Software Developer
Gilberto Alonso
Senior Software Developer
Mark Riffey