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A member is a two-node straight frame element with a constant cross section.  The term “frame element”, “beam element”, and “member” are used interchangeably in this program.  The truss element is a special frame element with moments fully released at both ends.  The frame element formulation accounts for axial, torsional, and bending about strong and weak axes, with options to include shear deformations and axial stress stiffening (P-Delta) effects.  Moment releases may be applied to either or both ends of the element.


The frame element may be used to model continuous beams, 2D or 3D frames, 2D or 3D trusses or a mixture of two.  The program provides powerful commands to generate commonly used framed structures such as continuous beams, 2D or 3D frames, arc beams, and non-prismatic beams.  A non-prismatic member is approximated by subdividing the original member into several prismatic members.  You may access these commands from the Create ribbon.

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