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Tables > Supports prompts you with the following dialog.  





It allows you to enter supports in a spreadsheet.  Each support includes the node ID, the fixity flag, and enforced displacements for all restrained DOFs.  The node IDs must be valid (defined).


The fixity flag is a string of 6 characters representing restrained DOFs in Dx, Dy … Doz.  For each character in the flag, enter ‘1’ if the DOF is restrained and ‘0’ if unrestrained.  For example, “111111” represents a fixed support while “111000” represents a pinned support.  Enforced displacements may be applied to the restrained DOFs.  They may be regarded as special loads and can be used to model known support settlements.  For normal support, they are 0s.  Enforced displacements applied to unrestrained DOFs will be discarded.    


An empty row is allowed if all rows below it are empty.  Selected rows (whole row must be selected) may be cut by clicking the button “Cut Selected Rows”.

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