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Editing a Division Name and Adding a New Division

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Let's do a little more work here in the current Project File.  We will edit the Division named "Calculations", and we will add a new Division.


Edit a Division Name


To edit a Division name, simply right-click the name and click Change Division Name in the dropdown menu.





In the Enter New Division Name dialog, revise the Division name to "2nd Floor Framing" as shown below:




Click [Save]. You will notice that the Division name has been revised from "Calculations" to "2nd Floor Framing", but it still contains the Wood Beam calculation.




Now we will add a NEW Division named "3rd Floor Framing". To do this, click on the Division named "2nd Floor Framing" and then click the [Add] button clip0252_was_BMP. In the Module Selection dialog, click the [Insert Division] button shown below:




Note: There is also an option in the right-click dropdown menu named Add Division.


Then enter the name "3rd Floor Framing" and click [Save]. Your Project calculation list should look like this:



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