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Changing Calculation Order

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The two buttons shown at the bottom of the calculation list (see image below) are used to move the currently highlighted calculation or Division up or down in the list.




In the image below, we have clicked on a Wood Ledger calculation:




The next step is to click the Shift Calculation Up button clip0180_was_BMP.


Now notice that the Wood Ledger calc has shifted up one position:




Now we will show that moving the last item in a Division downward will move the item to the top of the next Division. Notice that we have highlighted the Flitch Plate calculation in the screen capture below:




If we click the Shift Calculation Down button clip0182_was_BMP, we will see in the following screen capture that the Flitch Plate calc has shifted down one position, which puts it at the top of the calcs in the Columns Division:



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