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Using DebugView

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How can I use DebugView?


DebugView is included automatically with an installation of SEL.  It can be useful for troubleshooting certain issues, and our tech support group may ask you to use it in certain instances.


Note:  Working in the Windows registry is best left to your IT pro.


Step 1: Set up the registry


For build 20.xx.xx.xx:


HKey_Current_User should already contain Software\Enercalc\v20\


Software\Enercalc\v20\debug and the value (LicenseActivation) may not be there, but it's ok to add them and set LicenseActivation to 1. This causes a number of calls to OutputDebugStringA (a Win32 API call).


For build 12.xx.xx.xx:


HKey_Current_User should already contain Software\Enercalc\v6\


Software\Enercalc\v6\debug and the value (LicenseActivation) may not be there, but it's ok to add them and set LicenseActivation to 1. This causes a number of calls to OutputDebugStringA (a Win32 API call).



Step 2:  Launch DebugView


Debugview++.exe is in your Enercalc install folder.



Step 3:  Launch SEL


Launch SEL and take the steps as described by the tech support group



Step 4:  Save the DebugView log


The log is viewable in debugview++.  Use File > Save Log in debugview++ to save the log.



Step 5:  Send us the log


Email the DebugView log to us any way you typically handle email attachments.