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Automating the Process of Updating the PCC on Multiple Installations

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How can we automate the process of updating the PCC in multiple SEL installations?


Under normal conditions where our applications can contact our activation (license management) server, the applications will detect when a renewal has occurred and will automatically keep the PCC up to date. As such, there is typically no need to manually update the PCC after a renewal. If you’re using manual activation or our applications are unable to contact our activation server (including “air-gapped” networks), then it is best to update the PCC via automation.


Download our PCC batch updater from: or



When run via SCCM, MECM, Intune, or similar unattended / automated systems management tools, the batch PCC updater should be run like this:


UpdateEnercalcPCC_B20.exe PCCFILE="TextFileContainingTheNewPCC"


The PCCFILE= file spec can be any valid file spec, IE: C:\somefolder\mypccfile.txt or \\myserver\myshareddrive\ThisIsMyPCCFile.txt etc. If spaces are in the file name, the file name must be surrounded with double quotes as in the example above.


PCC text file

The UpdateEnercalcPCC.exe is signed and requires elevation.