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Moving the Network License Manager to a Different Computer

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How can I move the Network License Manager to a different computer?


Follow these simple steps:


1.Internet Deactivate your current NLM installation. To do that:

(1) Stop the NLM running as a service,

(2) Start the NLM from the [Start] menu,

(3) Select the “Licensing” tab,

(4) Click on the [Click here for Activation and Deactivation] button and

(5) Click on the [Internet Deactivate] button.

(6) At this time, the NLM can be uninstalled from this computer.


2. Next you need to install the NLM on the new computer. You can use our typical installation program for this.  It can be downloaded from:


3. Paste in your Product Control Code and “Internet Activate” the NLM on the new computer.


4. Tell the installed Structural Engineering Library program where the NLM is now activated.  Because the system uses either “broadcasting” or “direct IP” methods, please refer to the network installation guide, which can be downloaded from:




Do you have the steps for moving the NLM in printed form?


You can access them with the following link: