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Large Project Files

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Why are my ENERCALC Project Files so large?


The current version ENERCALC Project File format was designed to hold a tremendous amount of information and also to be very flexible for future enhancements.


One item that the Project Files hold is the complete printout for each calculation in the project.  Because each printout can be multiple pages and contain sketches and stress diagrams, they can consume a lot space.  If file size is becoming an issue, there is a function that can be used to purge a Project File of all of its saved reports.  It is Tools > Remove saved reports from project file.  Please use it with caution, because it does what it says.  Once you remove the saved reports from a Project File, they can be regenerated using File > Regenerate Reports, but the process takes a few minutes to complete.


However....we want you to know that we are rather obsessed with optimizing program and data file size and speed.  We will be continually working to refine the way our new file format is used to reduce the size requirements through elimination of unneeded information, use of data compression, and other approaches.