Member Local Coordinate System

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Member Local Coordinate System


The local coordinate system of a member is determined by the start and end nodes, and an element local angle.  The default (local angle equals 0 degrees) local coordinate system of a member is defined using the following procedures:






Mathematical Notations


Vx points from node 1 (N1) to node 2 (N2)

Vx = N2N1


For vertical members:

Vz is always parallel to VZ

For vertical members

Vz = VZ


For non-vertical members:

Vz is perpendicular to a plane formed by Vx and VY

For non-vertical members

Vz = Vx x VY


Vy is determined based on Vx and Vz and the right-hand rule

Vy = Vz x Vx


For a member with a non-zero local angle (γ), first follow the procedures above that determine the default local coordinate system.  Then rotate the default system a γ angle about its local x vector Vx.  The rotated Vx, Vy and Vz define the local coordinate system. The figure below shows the local coordinate systems of some members with different local angles (γ).



Local coordinate systems for members with different local angles